Crafting Engaging Digital Experiences

I am a full-stack developer specializing in building web apps and sites with React and TypeScript. I love delivering clean, intuitive designs that enhance user experience.

Modern Challenges Require Modern Solutions

My journey as a professional web developer began with freelancing for SMB clients, an incredible learning experience that taught me a lot about the industry.

During this time I learned the importance of conversion-focused design, on-page SEO, intuitive layouts, and delivering a project from start to finish.

I enjoy finding new and innovative solutions to integrate into my front-end work, and I have recently started working with web3 technologies in many of my projects.

I am eager to delve deeper into the constantly evolving world of modern front-end tech and use my knowledge to create meaningful, user-centered online experiences.

  • React for building dynamic web apps and enhanced static sites and blogs
  • TypeScript for strong typing and scalable full-stack development
  • SCSS modules or Tailwind for maintainable, modern styling
  • Git and Github for version control and seamless collaboration
  • Figma for design collaboration and prototyping

Recent Projects

RedwoodJSTailwindFramer MotionPostgreSQLGraphQL

Awarded second place in the 2023 Redwood Build Competition, the-scene is a full-stack app with a punk rock aesthetic. It provides users with a sleek, interactive platform to find, create, and rate live music events.

Read More about This Project


  • Led a team of developers and closely collaborated with a designer to take the app from concept to reality.
  • Integrated Clerk authentication to provide a secure and user-friendly login experience and a streamlined developer experience.
  • Leveraged tools from RedwoodJS to build a full stack app with Node, Postgres, and GraphQL quickly.
  • Implemented Framer Motion and custom Lottie animations to provide a more unique and engaging user experience.

Let's Connect

I am always open to connecting with like-minded individuals in the tech community. Whether you have questions about my work or simply want to connect and network, feel free to reach out to me.

I look forward to exploring new opportunities, sharing ideas, and growing my professional network, and I would be happy to hear from you!